
Lone Valley (2022-present)

Personal project

Available in

Riso postcards for a planned Graphic novel, ~64 pages, historical fiction

This is an ongoing personal comic project that I’ve started developping during the Covid-19 pandemic. It’s a story that takes place about 40.000 years ago in Lone Valley, an area close to where I grew up and where I spent a lot of time as a kid, climbing around in caves and so on. The Lone used to be a massive river until about the end of the last ice age, today it’s almost dried up. Along its valley, there are many caves in which some of the world’s oldest figurative scupltures and music instruments have been found. Archeological findings include artefacts and remains from modern humans as well as Neanderthals. 

In this story, a Neanderthal woman meets a modern human and through a twist of fate they end up having to go through a tough winter on their own, isolated in Lone Valley.

Here you see a series of riso prints and comic page tests. 

In December 2023 I was selected for the Comic Stipendium 2024, a grant by the senate of Berlin, to support the development of Lone Valley with 8000€. 

Here are some random sample pages I drew in 2022 to be able to apply for grants and finding a publisher. The pages are a selection, so there are some gaps in the narration. The story will be told visually, without any dialogs. I drew the lineart on paper and did the colouring digitally.

Some riso testprints from 2022 with halftone pattern.

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